Sunday, March 15, 2020

saturday shopping
this trolley has its own mind
just my luck - again

moonless night - each star
a tiny pinprick of light
against the darkness

from the prom a crowd
watch fun on the beach - a man
fights with a deckchair

in from the garden
with a bunch of daffodils
a handful of spring

was the most famous poet of the Ido period in Japan. He was born in 1644 and died in 1694.
He was credited for inventing the haiku and later became famous for his sayings.

do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise;
seek what they sought - MATSUO BASHO


Saturday, May 18, 2019


early morning frost
leading her horse from the stable
their breaths mingle


sparkling with dewdrops
the cobweb's broken strands hang
from the garden gate


in from the garden
with a bunch of daffodils -
a handful of summer


the silver willow
damaged in last winter's storm 
slightly lopsided


 skint knee
the dog licks studiously -
then kisses her tears
Composed by LESLEY  Sept.1987


at the barrier
turning to go, one last wave - 
the sky darkens


now then, let's go out / to enjoy the snow ... until / I slip and fall



Friday, May 10, 2019

Sunday morning
scattered around the duck pond
last night's empty cans


our tall sycamore
green over the grey rooftops
catches the bright sunshine


the barber's shop closed -
from an open window sounds
of close harmony


in the TV play
a door bell rings - I jump up
to answer it


standing motionless
in the river - the heron
teaches me patience


after the wild winds
die away a sweeter song
from the windchimes


dark threatening sky
along the telephone wire
a line of jackdaws


under the thick hedge
the old cat lying in wait
has fallen asleep


the narrow lane / of wrestler's grass / dew on flowers



Thursday, May 2, 2019

an unwelcome guest
I open a window
"go home, little wasp" 


at the summit
the wee stream is in no rush
to meet the sea


turning the corner
the startling kaleidoscope
of a peacock's tail


not a cloud in sight
finding love under starlight
a million years old


funeral chapel
the waiting silence broken
by a cuckoo


huddled together
the three umbrellas exchange
high street gossip


moonless night - each star
a tiny pinprick of light
against the darkness


yesterday - hailstones
today - gentle snowflakes
tomorrow - who knows?


spring morning marvel / lovely nameless little hill / on a sea of mist


Saturday, April 27, 2019

lots of plans today
but the shock of the cold floor
sends me back to bed


a rusty combine
harvester - all that remains 
of the old farmstead


mealtime, the dog chronicles
her every move


end of the cold spell
the smiles of the office girls
lunch break in the park


excited squawking
from the budgie - a big cat
on the window sill


an endless goods train
at the level crossing brings
 the day to a halt


by the river bank
the still water holds the moon
till the image fades


a darkening sky
in the stable the horses
sense the coming storm


how touching / to exist after the storm /  chrysanthemum



Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Easter morning
instead of rolling their eggs
they build a snowman


hailstones beating 
on the car roof - our dog hides 
below the dashboard


abandoned cottage
the wind through the attic space
singing a sad song


standing well clear
the boys watch the sparks flying
from the knife-grinder's stone


Sunday sermon
the priest no match for a bird
in the chancel


despite falling snow
the old lady ventures out
to pick daffodils


carved in the old oak
entwined initials - the year?
nineteen thirty-nine


framed in the skylight
the full moon, pink-haloed, bright
against the darkness


nothing in the cry/of cicadas suggests they/are about to die



Saturday, April 13, 2019

admiring the view
one thing holds my attention
the cherry blossom


low tide - a long chain
of seaweed snaking its way
along the foreshore


at the level crossing
the steeple's long shadow  
lies on the lines


purple, yellow, white
a cluster of crocuses
brighten the grass verge


a Paddington bear
sat in that window for years
now - a vase of tulips


in shallow water
the tiny flounder hidden
in the sandy bed


after the cloudburst
hundreds of small wriggling worms
litter the pavements


the sun's last rays still
bright on the coloured awning
of the pier café


for a lovely bowl/let us arrange these flowers/since there is no rice
